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murraymints Mnt happies Nailit xx...
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Just to let you know Dave is showing signs of deterioration now. He is at times a little confused,and physically shrinking almost before my eyes. He is becoming weaker and is starting to show some...
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Someone known to the family was sadly murdered a couple of months ago. An arrest was made at the scene and the person charged. I would like to go to the trial and listen from the public gallery, is...
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spathiphyllum I have just been sent this twitter link by a friend. It was a lovely display of community and humanity at the scenes of respect today. May not we...
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How will you be celebrating? What will you be celebrating for? ie. transgender, pansexual, lesbian, ally etc....
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I think I may have a trapped nerve. Never known pain like it. Can't move, get up from sitting, go to the loo, walk, everything is agony. Is there anything that can be done to relieve it. Is it worth...
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I have three water butts, one in full sun, one in semi shade and one in full shade, in case the position makes a difference. The one in full shade attached to the down pipe on the north facing wall...
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Eccles would have hated me doing this as she hated these threads and always thought they were full of halftruths and sucking up but, there are a few people that she was very fond off. Sancha passed...
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I just heard possibly one of the worst musical abominations to ever be dragged into existence. These people should be shot. What songs do you hate?
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I was saddened but not surprised to see the say old formula being rolled out from Southwark Cathedral, and hear the same old cliches being intoned by pious politicians and clergy. It is way past the...
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Anyone here overcome any bad/unhelpful habits and if so how did you do it?...
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My daughter and her husband have been trying for a baby for two years now and have just been accepted for their one and only free IVF procedure. Back in 1978 I myself had trouble conceiving. We went...
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We don't get on with our NDNs on the one side. I've never exchanged a word with them, but there is animosity between them and my husband which goes back over 15 years. They've done things over the...
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I make a berry cordial, (using berries I picked and froze in the autumn) and the recipe calls for cloves. I boil the berries, strain them, add sugar to the liquid with cloves, cinnamon, ginger and...
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My boss has her daughter and other school pupils coming to do work experience , I assume this will be after exams , any idea what sort of dates this will be as I will make sure I have annual leave...
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Any suggestions as to what to buy for a new mum and baby. I don’t know either of the Mums and my husband is utterly clueless, as am I! No particular budget but it’s more of a token gift....
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I have just been requesting a quote for car insurance. The person on the other end of the phone insists I give the exact date when a low-flying bird smashed my headlight - either four or five years...
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Easter is a bigger deal in the Christian calendar than Christmas... but how many of you still celebrate it even if you're not religiously inclined? By celebrate I mean anything from having the family...
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He was aged 90. So he had a good innings. He will be up there with Brucie. RIP.
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What's the longest period of time have you been with an employer ?

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