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Here are some things. 1. The Weather Forecast. 2. Traffic news. 3. Football pundits. 4. The importance of religion. I'm sure lots of people have their own favourites. What are yours?
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is it okay for a child of 1 year old (13 months) to still share a room with his parents or should he have his own room? i am on the list to be housed and have been snice a year before my son was born...
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Ever wondered what the difference between a Grandma and Grandpa is? A five-year old granddaughter is usually taken to school by her grandpa. When he had a bad cold Grandma took the grandchild. That...
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Following on from Andy's post below, is there anything you avoided eating because you thought you would hate it to find out you'd been missing out on it your whole life? For me, prawns. I didnt try...
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A recent thread on here about KFC prompted me to think about things I have never eaten - easy enough for me because I have a seriously limited palate - the of a five-year-old is about right for me!...
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For my supper tonight - YUM! What's on the menu tonight for you motley crue??? LF...
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If a person has autism, how are their skills with numbers, maths and science?
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http://www.dailymail....ra-dazzle-awards.html After witnessing the recent series of awards, can anyone not say that the celebrities of old, really knew how to present themselves?...
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If you think you are going to get a tummy bug - ie you have a bit of nausea that you think might progress to something worse. Is there anything you can do to ward it off? Im feeling a bit this way,...
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Why has foot largely replaced feet as a plural in everyday speech? e.g. 17 foot long. 55 foot wide. 89,000 foot in diameter. etc....
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But i'm nearly 30 miles away from the nearest one. Had a banana instead,but its not the same.
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We're just home from a few days in London - had a great time visiting exhibitions and museums. Since we live in the middle of nowhere we especially enjoyed the novelty of hopping on and off buses at...
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my daughter's neighbour told her he has SAS binos that can see through walls. Yes I know it sounds ridiculous, but I cant stop worrying that there is such a thing, neither can she. Common sense says,...
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Have discovered that Julia Bradbury has named her new son - wait for it!! Zephyr. Poor little scrap. Why didn't she call him Capri or Sierra, or Morris Minor? Rolls Royce. Austin 7. Mini. The...
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Every day, some times twice a day we treat ourselves to an ice cream, usually a cornetto, some times a scoop or three of ice cream with a large dollop of fresh cream, sometimes with Nesquick sprinkled...
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My new grandandaughter was born last Wednesday and I am trying to find the Number 1 single for the day she was born but am going round in circles on Google. Can anyone help please?
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im feeling so crap today, need cheering up..anyone done anything fun today, got a great joke to tell, or come across a funny situation, please tell me, it might cheer me up. thanks
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Am I going mad or is something strange happening to the latest posts list? If I don't click on anything for a minute and the list refreshes, it goes back to how it was several minutes ago, showing the...
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An earlier question has prompted me to think about getting rid of my 10 year old mattress. Thing is, I am mortally embarrassed about the condition of it. How am I ever gonna get rid of it. It wont fit...

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