5 down please, skilled craftsman a-t---c--. Also 6down, Foreign policy based on money, D-l--/D---o---y? Brain not in gear this morning, thankyou very much.
10a [9 6] subordinate phrase u--------/------ 3d [7 8]tuneful celebratory greeting -------/-e-e---- 13a [9] of story with hidden meaning a-------- 14d cocktail with whisky and drambuie [5 4]...
My king Charles Cavalier, Bailey, recently had an anal gland infection and was prescribed amoxylin. This didn't work so he was given a 2 week course of Clynicin,( another antibiotic,) after which he...
up things, like, sweet wrappers, banana skins, small stones, bottle tops anything he can get. I keep him on a short lead and am scouring the pavements as we walk so I can see before him. I am...
does anyone know why my battery hens are attacking each other? first of all i had to isolate one who was getting bullied. then i had to isolate one who the others had pecked and was bleeding. i have...
I've got a 6 month Yorkie who has been house trained successfully as far as weeing goes but he absolutely refuses to poop outside. This morning we have been out walking since 10.30am until 7.00pm. He...