Bill and his wife Blanche go to the Yorkshire show every year, And every year Bill would say, " Blanche, I'd like to ride in that there 'elicopter " Blanche always replied, " I know Bill, but that...
Hi folks, Hopkirk raised a thread on mixing peanut butter and marmite, sounds good to me! What odd food combos do you like that others don't? Eg...I love chips with salad cream...bliss!
So my youngest sister (who is 15 btw) She came out to me as lesbian (and of course I support her because I respect the rights of LGBTQ+) but we have Christian parents (so she’s afraid to tell them but...
trying to make ends meet, when I was a lad, I remember me ma would hobble down the cobbles, just before the butchers shop was about to close and ask the butcher for a goats head to make some stew. Ma...
My wife and I are being jabbed in a few hours.
She is concerned about the possible!e side effects of the jab.
What can she expect in a worse case scenario?...
Best friends birthday yesterday, instead of our usual meal and drinks out it was a drop off at doorstep of presents and card. Mrs Smow next week, again will be evening in just the two of us rather...
Two young women are in a trendy restaurant enjoying a business lunch. One of them drops her spoon on the floor and she summons a waiter. “I’m dreadfully sorry, I’ve dropped my spoon. Could I...
Could this be cheaper than getting married? :-)
Are you one of the 'sorry' people ? Do you go into starbucks and say 'Sorry - Can I Have A Latte ' What are you sorry for ? When someone asks you if you can change a fifty pound note - do you say...
As the waiter presented the menu, the newly seated diner said "I’m sorry but I am blind and can’t read the menu. If you just bring me a few dirty forks from previous customers I will smell them...
The Daily Telegraph is reporting that Mo Farah has missed two doping tests. This has come out after his coach was implicated in a drugs accusation. I saw Mo win one of his golds inLondon, and would be...
When you hear about friends Young / Older passing, does it make you wonder when your time is up? In our local paper each week I read about So & So passing, that's what made me put this post in.... I wasn't aware that there is such ignorance throughout the male...