I jave a big rash across my belly that is itching like hell, been like it 2 days now, small red spots, it is also down the underneath of my left arm. :-( Any ideas what it could be?
This is basically the main thing my partner has said to me over the weekend. Makes me wonder, does your gf/bf ask you to get up and get things for him/her. When both of us are reclining back on the...
I've taught my 3 year old son to do an impression of Deidre Barlow! Am i a bad mother????? "Ooooohhhhh Ken", he gets all the bits in his neck standing out and everything so im quite proud! Is this...
but here goes... how often should i cut my toe nails ?? i do them once a month with clippers, or i may bite them weekly if i have a shower... :-) thank in advance ! ;-)
As i have said in my earlyer post i don't have any easter eggs. But im minding a mates house for him while he and his wife are in the Caribbean. He has told me to help myself with food and drink. But...
One of my dogs has got a small lump near the base of her tail,it is painful when i touch it.And she is tying to scratch and bite it but cant reach,my husband reckons its a tick,could anyone tell me...
We bought french bulldoga puppy oscar from a breeder in liverpool a fortnight ago it cost us ?750 .Five days after we got him he became ill took him to the vets and it is parvo whitch can be a killer...
"Well happy easter to you all"
Has anyone got a spare egg ?
As i didn't get any.
And if you were lucky to get one was it big or small or did
you get something else ?
I have had a rotton day, my youngest is coughing constantly, my middle son has just been cleaned up after pulling up all the carpet in his room and trying to eat the little rubbery bits, my daughter...
Hi its legend here just back from a week at the priory.Been chillin out with some posh tarts and some toffs with too much money and not enough sense.Btw robbie says hi.So whats been happening while i...
Now I'm going to sound horrible but selfishly on my part, like I said, I have a 2 year old Daughter and she does expect me to go around WHATEVER time of night when this happens and its knackering! We...
Hello I have had shoulder pain/stiffness for the past year. I've tried an osteopath/physio & accupuncture without any relief. My doctor has diagnosed shoulder impingement & has suggested that a...