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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west...... What does the moon do??
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Why do we sneeze? Why do we never seem to sneeze when we are asleep?
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Bearing in mind that energy cannot be created or distroyed-only changed, can you tell me the answer to a question? When light enters a medium, such as glass or water, it is deflected because it slows...
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if i put viagra in my eyes,will i look hard,,
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can anyone tell me why my bathroom light stays on even when I have switched it of
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If i was to dig a whole in the ground deep, i mean real deep to the centre of the earth for example, now forgetting the fact it is hotter than a snakes ass in the water, if i were to jump in (and not...
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May I just ask, in all seriousness, if anyone has 'questioned' the 'theory of evolution'? Personally, I think that coz we have a NEED to know where we came from, we have just jumped onto the 'theory'...
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As I sat contemplating my navel the other night I wondered, if an astronaught managed to anchor a firework rocket down on the moon, lit the touchpaper then stood back to a safe distance, what would...
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in my last question titled a space/time question. If time has passed more slowly for the equator than the poles due to time dilation. Over 4 billion or so years does anybody know how much older the...
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if i (i know it is impossible) could fold a sheet of newspaper in half 40 times how thick would the newspaper be?
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when you look in a mirror your image is flipped horizontaly, ie left>right right > left. so why isnt it also flipped vertically top>bottom bottom>top
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Yes funny situation but not when you are without light to most of you house. Well as I said the bulb blew so I went outside to the garage to the fuse box but the garage door would not open. I have a...
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why if we are told, and believe that there are billions of stars, do we not question this, but if you read "wet paint" you have to touch it to check if it is?
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If it is true that there is a relationship between space and time, and that from what i understand, the faster that you move the slower time passes, i have a question that puzzles me!! The equator of...
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how do you find the power of a lens for 0.20 focal length
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Accordingly to special relativity, the instant 'now' to an observer is the instant when light reaches his eyes to tell him of a distant event. This being so, it follows that if a clock moves away from...
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Why can I not find any information in any star catalogue about 1 Trianguli?
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hi guys, i have been looking at velcro on various websites and the best i have seen is able to hold 15kg for every 50mm x 100mm strip. this is ok but imagine if i wanted to hold like a person to the...
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I've just started to DJ and don't understand how ohms work. Ive got a 1500watt amplifier and my speakers and bass bins have a maximum output of 2400 watts. I've heard about 2 ohms 4 ohms 8 ohms,...
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Im unsure whether we evolved or not. I belive that there maybe slight cases of evolution, but not at the extent of humans and animals... How can we of evolved eyes if we didnt know there was anything...

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