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unclefeather do you keep them in?!
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Are the chances of landing on a full moon greater than landing on a half moon, as there is a greater surface area ?
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Why is it that time slows so considerably on a Friday afternoon? It was 1O'Clock at least 7 hours ago, but time has only moved on 2 hours. How is that possible?
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if all the worlds boats and ships were to be removed from the seas by how much would the sea level fall.
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Richie Stan
I think I recall watching something about astronauts that spend a long time in space, travelling at very high speeds, have travelled in time (I cant remember if it was forwards or backward)?. It had...
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Recently I was on holidays in the south of France and it was 40.c and everyones clothes were covered in sweat.Why if the bodys temp. is 37/38 degrees do we feel uncomfortable even at the same...
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Richie Stan
I think I understand that Absolute Zero is sort of like when all the molecules are all tightly packed (or not oscillating) and not giving of heat. (I may be wrong), If Im close then is there a...
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whats the meaning of life you brain boxes out there
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Does the Earth generally increase in size, through collection of space matter, or decrease due to 'stuff' being released into space?
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I understand from various sources that the Universe is currently expanding. If this is correct, why can't we observe the current direction of galaxies etc and then rewind the clock to see where the...
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we talk of the summer solstice being the longest day. i like to think of it as the shortest night BUT is it the night before or after that is shorter? or are they both as short as each other?
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What was there before the big bang?
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What is this guy about to do with his extra strength magnets?! Place bets now...
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How often, and for how long do the sun and moon appear in the sky at the same time?
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Richie Stan
When the Voyager Probe set out on it's jorney out of the solar system was there any groups that thought it wrong or dangerous to advertise where we are?
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how can it be both finite and infinite at the same time?
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When the tide is out on the east side of the country is the tide out on the west side of the country?
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When the Earth ends , will the Universe end? This could mean , is it all in our minds, or, is there anything else to perceive it's existence, or anything else...............
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How far would a tennis ball travel through space if thrown in space by an average person? ( Given that energy is finite)
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Can anyone give me a brief explanation of this process. I understand what goes on in nuclear reactors, but what is the basic difference of the fusion process, and why is it desirable to cause the...

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