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Can a Mosquito Transfer HIV, the cold, flu, etc...?
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Do all planets spin, *I'm not sure how to word this* like earth? Or are there planets that spin Top to bottom? Earth as an example North Pole to South Pole. Are there planets that don't spin at all?...
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anyone know the geographic coordinates for Birmingham England and the next best night sighting time for the ISS and shuttle please,cant get my head round it,thanks
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anyone know if its possible to get a nice, normal taste back to a can of lager that has been opened and then put back in the fridge undrunk/mostly full. Thanks!
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i think i need to end my friendship with my "bestfriend".she is a selfish control freak with a princess complex. i became depressed in the fall and began to slip away from her and everyone else in my...
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Does anyone know when they empty the safe at the post office, where the security cameras are and how far away the nearest police station is? I'm doing a Maths project for School. :-)
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can anyone tell me what makes milk turn Orange when its frozen. this has puzzled me for a long time. its the only thing that i know of that actually changes colour when its frozen, then turns back to...
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my 8 year old wants to know what is heaven like? Tough one I know.
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Can seem to post anything longer than once sentence at the moment. Most annoying. Has the hot weather got to it?
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i think this is the right catgory as im askingg how the AB rating system works, do you give people ratings or do you have to answer so many questions? I cant find anywhre where u give ratings so how...
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you know everyones big question is what is the meaning of life??? my friend says that she think she knows and she told me her theory and she said she got it once she started looking up in the sky from...
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When i was young i was told that you could work out how far away a storm was by counting the time between the above...anyone remember how?
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I thought that this was a bit kooky but tried it recently and it works - it absolutely works - sceptics and believers alike! Can anyone explain how though? We did it with clothes hangers in empty...
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is it right there is a meteor passing Earth overnite?
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I have a Hovercraft and it spins a fan at 6500 rpm or 108.3 revolutions per second. There are 6 fan blades, the length of one fan blade is 16 inches. The total length from the tip of one fan blade to...
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My mate says he has worked out the meaning of life, but i don't believe him. What do you reckon?
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I need to find various other things to try and illustrate that some odds I've been quoted mean a particular thing is unlikely to occur. The odds I need examples for are: 1 in 250 1 in 900 1 in 100...
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we keep getting noise from taps but when taps are turned on it stops,we think it might be the washers needs replacing but cant turn the stoptap as it is to stiff
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Hi , me and my gf was makein love in the tub and i came in the water....not inside of her....and i was wondering if it could make her pregnant?
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i recently bought a Seiko Automatic Diving Watch and I was wondering what the differnece is between Automatic and Kentic?

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