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the americans broke the sound barrier at around 660mph in the air. Britain broke the sound barrier at 763mph on the ground with Thrust SSC. why is there NO set speed for sound ? even on the day Thrust...
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Does grass go through the process and is it a plant? If it is.... Could everyone not just grow their grass and therefore reduce CO2 levels? This thought just popped in my head.
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ok, im not a doctor but this has got me baffled.. anyone got any theories ?
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My chemistry teacher has had a heart attack (he's fine), and my physics teacher is also been away for a while (she's in hospital). Anyway, our new physics teacher is a spitting image of einstein, so...
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The Tree
How do creationists place the age of the world at approx 10,000 years old.its baffling me as to where they come up with the logic to place it at that age.also how do they explain dinosaurs.i heard a...
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I like rainbows and know a bit about them: circle around a line between your head and the sun, secondary inverted rainbow, and so on. But I have often noticed (esp when a lot of dark cloud behind it)...
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Consider a train , its proper length = 375000 km , traveling at a speed of 180000 km/sec (0.6 of speed of light) relative to person (name him B)Consider a beam of light that travels in the same...
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What happens to the electricity that goes into a lightbulb, if it get's used up by turning the bulb white hot, why do you need a return path? ?what goes back
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S Austion
How does the earth's position to the sun determine the lenght of daylight?
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The univers is constantly expanding, but once it stops will it just pop like a ballon or deflate in other words? WIll we be able to see the universe collapsing? How long in advance "with...
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Is Charles Darwins theory still the accepted way of things in this age, thankyou
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a finger of mineral deposit hanging from a cave roof
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if the equatorial line on an atlas is straight at 0*, what is the line called that fluctuates around 0* according to season.
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Which is the biggest fraction out of 2/5 and 3/7? And how do you work it out?
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On a clock face that has Roman numerals, eg.No 6 is represnted as V1, No 5 as V and so on. Why is the representation for No 4 always expressd as 1111.? Look on mantle clocks ;grandfather clocks ;...
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Why, on a clock or watch which has roman numerals is the number4 always expressed as 1111 and not 1V? All the other numbers are expressed as one would imagine. eg.5 isV; 6 is V1 and so on.
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So many people believe that apart from our planet; earth, the probability of other life in space is very low. However, I think that if the universe is infinate then of course there has to be alot more...
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ok i know this isnt really the place for this question but.... what would you call one of those clocks that flip round like the pages in a book, early digital clocks or something, im trying to find...
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Why do candle flames burn in the shape of a tear drop ?
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My son had a question from school- Why in a photo of the Northern Star do all the surrounding stars appear to have rings of light around them.

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