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Long hot summer of '76; song called 'Immortality'; female artist. It's been bugging me for years - Andy Hughes, you may be my saviour! (Incidentally Andy, TY for the answer on Name That Tune but do...
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Here's a question for the non-religious (the religious already have their answer though I doubt they have thought about the implications that much) If you could become immortal on the condition you...
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Who is the Instigator of such religious confusion ? Which is truth ? What would life be like without the Bible Confusion ?...
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The Bible is truly amazing.Try this. Watch YouTube, "Sevens In The Bible," Chuck Missler.Take the challenge. What do you think?...
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Given that any religious or spiritual question arouses extreme venom from some, what would be an acceptable subject matter to post on here? If I am the cause of so much annoyance, why read my posts?...
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There can be no objective moral authority without God. Without God, what passes for morality becomes purely subjective and chaotic.How does an atheist identify what is moral authority?...
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says Miranda Yardley, who transitioned ten years ago. Absolutely right, say I. A breath of fresh air in an increasingly politically correct world. What say you?...
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Watching quite a few YouTube videos, where Darwin is totally disproven. David Berlinski most prominent in his criticisms, also of scientists in all fields who are frightened of opposing the current...
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Transcript of Trump interview on Air Force One mainly re Putin’s denials...
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Scientists who follow the evidence, and conclude that evolution and abiogenesis, and even the origin of the universe, required an intelligent designer, run the risk of losing their research funding,...
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How come ancient peoples (like the Greeks' Ptolemaic system) could not see the Earth is round? The Moon is round, so is the Sun, and they could have seen other planets are round, but how did they...
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Perhaps it is all a lie then. Is the Ice reduction really down to Carbon emissions, or is this closer to the truth? The experts will have a job building, and financing a career, with a raft of save...
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I despise Islam like I despise all organized religion, but that doesn't mean that I have to believe everything that the media portrays about a particular subject. (an example being that prisons are...
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YouTube - William Lane Craig - Five Reasons You Can Believe God Exists.William Lane Craig has debated many prominent atheists and worth watching for objective evidence....
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Dismiss God as the author and creator of the universe, but what is your hypothesis? Or are you simply satisfied to say, "I don't know?"...
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FAO Theland and others of his ilk. Born again Christians believe that unless we believe like they do that we are going to burn in some kind of hell for eternity. Can you please justify such an odious...
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Watching television news is just amazing to see bible prophecies rolling out so accurately. Proof indeed that the bible is true and that God has forewarned us about the fate of this world. Get to know...
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After reading Theland's thread below (who or what created the universe) and the debate that developed between Naomi and others regarding ancient aliens visiting Earth, I thought that it may deserve a...
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If you were to become a 'spiritual seeker' (as I was, as a teenager, many moons ago) and you were looking in to religious and/or spiritual traditions and ideologies today, would the religious...
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ToraToraTora what if we refuse to answer? What possible relevance is our sexuality to medical matters?...

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