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Just found this...makes you think!
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Did you know that in translation, “Mein Kampf” has been a bestseller both online and in book form, if not THE bestseller after the Koran in the Arab world and Turkey. Much admired for Hitler's...
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mikey4444 Carson is a highly educated man. It wasn't so long ago that people were saying that about black people, and as a black person, he should really know...
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Avatar Image Theland Intelligent Design? Richard Dawkins has no idea where the universe came from but dismisses I.D. Can't give you a link but YouTube has this from Prof Stephen C Meyer. "Amazing...
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I don't have figures, but I am under the impression that spirituality generally is on the increase. Apart from accepted religions, there seems to be such widespread belief in all things spiritual....
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Take the interactive test. I was surprised I got 9 correct
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ToraToraTora doesn't look that fast to be fair....
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I used to be able to laugh at religious nutters but I find myself actually start to detest them, all of them... even the wife's mild mannered uncle who wouldn't harm a flea. When he starts to ramble...
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….. a cry often seen on these pages – and this from a week or so back. //I find that the propaganda spouted by such as Fry and Dawkins is just as gibberish rubbish as you think the bible...
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next week.
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dave50 Not that I would indulge but I don't see what it has to do with anyone else if someone wants to have sex with a...
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interesting read ..
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What was Allah thinking to allow such an occurance?
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It seems that anybody with the power of good public speaking + charisma can inculcate 'his' masses to follow 'his' interpretation of the Koran. In this modern day and age, to be confronted with a...
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Just watched the above programme on BBC2. (About multiverses). I'm no scientist but some of these speculations border on the religious to me. I know that its been said that the universe is not only...
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Does anybody know what the piece of piano music that is played when film4 finishes in the early hours of the morning.thanks
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Since being on this site it appears that 9 out of 10 are atheists. So just out of curiosity, I wondered why? Have you always been one? If not, what made you reject belief in God? I would love to hear...
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If we really are the product of evolution and there is no Creator, the human race would, in a sense, be an orphan. Mankind would have no source of superior wisdom to consult—no one to help us solve...
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What do athiests say when someone sneezes? Just a thought.

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