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Is anyone thinking of serving this for their X-mess dinner? If so will you be doing a "dry run" to taste it prior to X-mess?
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I've never heard her before what a great singer and moving song.
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On another computer away from your home ie internet cafe, does it infect only the computer you use at the time leaving your computer safe or when you went home and then used your email address would...
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MickyMacgraw I have just seen it mentioned on the Daily cooks Challenge and this is the second time I've ever heard of it, apparently it has a really unique flavour and is...
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We all hear of this, men look at women and are looking for the hour glass figure, big breasts, wide hips etc.. Said to be an unconscious way way of looking for the the best female to carry his baby,...
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There are two I have in my mind that have the same original "body" of the advert but certain scenes have definitely been changed and i wondered why. The first advert is the one starring June...
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I've searched for Asda, Matalan, Primark and came up with nothing, are there any sites which would maybe tell me of all the adverts he has done?
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MickyMacgraw They don't mention his arrest or imprisonment so maybe the gun was a fake? Has anyone got any other sources for this story?...
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I've seen these on tv where people are in the steam rooms and pour water on hot rocks to make more steam, my question is how are the rocks heated up as I don't see any fires and to warm the up...
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It had a heavy guitar track with no singing in it, if you do what was the advert and more to the point what was the name of the track used?
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Does anyone know the scores?
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MickyMacgraw I wonder who dumped whom?...
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http://www.businesswe...-civilian-trials.html Trials like this the Uk and Us pull usually pull out every stop and use global intelligence and evidence to snare the culprit so they get their men right?...
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I have a can of half filled paint and need to get rid of it, it doesn't seem right to but it into the reycycling bin or the normal bin in case of spillage, any ideas?
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Is this aimed at adults or teenagers?
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Have any live creatures been released into space to see the effects of space on them? We have our theories on pressure, heat, cold and lack of oxygen but what is the reality if lets say we released a...
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I've missed this show as it hasn't been on I a while, did it just come back on this week?
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What about if it was the other way around? What are your honest thought on this report?
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