does anyone know where i can find information on the target readerhsip for the sunday times supplements etc. i'm guessing they're are aimed at affluent 30+ but was wondering if there were any...
No DINKY's these 3 words Last means of transport 2 words could be double in snore 3 words Charms feet 1 word Searching the basement perhaps 2 words Press left or right 1 word Prompt please 3 words One...
I have noticed that recently even some respected historians have begun quoting dates with 'AD' after the year (for example, 560 AD). The rule has always been that because AD stands for Anno Domini...
hi can you help please I am stuck on last two answers cryptic crossword 13d fairy gold (perhaps) that is on christmas tree is one matter less to arrange ?i?h?s 14d heartless licensee serves a smaller...
in the 1966 christmas special of not only but also, who played the part of Dan the toilet commissionaire in the tv series All in the game, who was the footballer Darren Matthews supposed to be based...
The answer to the questions below will be either a town, play or opera> As i cant post images here ill have to describe them the best i can. basically the image relates one of the above. 1. the...
Can anybody help with the following Qs. Each clue leads to the name of a person either real or fictitious whose surname is that of a place in the British Isles. For Example. ROUND THE WORLD...