Why does McDonalds taste so good yet it is so unhealthy? Like the lyrics from the song by Savage Garden-'I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you..' What makes it taste nice?
I am a straight guy with 2 siblings, so one day I might be a grandfather or an uncle. There are expectations of these sorts of people, and I am worried I mightn't live up to them. HOW ON EARTH do you...
Is all absinthe hallucinogenic? Or is it over certain percentages... am looking into getting 'MARI MAYANS' from thedrinkshop.com... will this be hallucinogenic at all? Anyone have any idea wot kind it...
in the advert, addvertising the new macdonalds recipie it states that they are now made from chicken breasts, am i the only one that is worried about what was in them before?
I cannot believe how bad music is these days! I heard that song the other day with lyrics that go 'I think you are really fit, you're fit but my gosh don't you know it' What the heck is this all...
Does anyone know the title of any of Lawrence's collections of essays? I've got bits and pieces (which are really good... much better than his boring novels) like 'Surgery for a novel - or a bomb' (or...
Can anyone give me a good reason not to start a sentence with the word 'But' or 'And'? And also, apart from archaic Latin rules which have little to do with the English language, why should I not be...
What is a 'chav'? I've just seen it used on this site to describe guests on the TV programme 'Trisha'. Is it a latest English slang expression and where does it come from?
Due to the recent good weather I've spent a lot of time in the garden and have heard birdsong that resembles the opening notes of the tune known, (at least by humans!) as 'Camptown Races'. Does anyone...
im doing a toast to the bride and groom at my mates wedding soon ,need some advice on the way to do it ,how do i start it? how do i finish it? i have a line or two worked out already but i really want...
not sure if this is the correctplace for tyjis posting but any veiws on the following: 'can poverty ever be eradicated in a capitalist society?'
any comments welcomed