Does anyone else remember those 'Draughtpack' containers you used to be able to buy in pubs in the '80s?There were two types, one that looked like a big glass that held four pints of beer or lager and...
Why is it that anyone who lives directly under or near high tension power lines has near super human strength? Certain studies I have seen seem to prove to the theory that electrons bouncing off the...
My mum passed on this information ages ago, but I've forgotten - I think it involves a teacloth. Anyway, I'll stop rambling and wait for your Reader's Digest-like solutions!
My friend, who has is scared of spiders, says she thinks there is a kind of spider repellent that can keep them away, but I don't think there is such a thing. Can anyone provide any further...
Recent studies have proven that males who were exposed to pornography at a young age have a severe stunt in their penis size. How does this effect findings that premature ejaculation and pornography...