This may sound like a silly question but is there an easy way of keeping cats out of my garden, without having to build a higher fence and getting an air rifle, they bloody pee in my garden it stinks...
where does it come from and what does it mean, ogy ogy ogy / oy oy oy, I remember saying it in the playground in the eighties and i just heard it again, anyone know please, thanx
After watching Indiana Jones the other day, I got to thinking. How did the people who built the first rope bridges attach it to the other side? Did someone really have to climb down shear rock faces...
I want to find a source that could show realationships between the sun and panets if a scale model of the system was built, i.e. if the model sun was the size of an orange say
interested in, or even aware of, the Scottish Cup Final that is taking place this ( Saturday ) afternoon? I know that some people in Northen Ireland will have a vested interest but that is a different...
Reading the latest 20 questions I noticed that 5 out of 20 were asking about this marriage (before my question pushed one off the end). Can people not see the questions further down, or are they just...