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mikey4444 Perhaps the Umpires are going to need helmets as well....
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mikey4444 Handsome is as handsome does as far as I am concerned. It was all to do with having too much to drink at lunch apparently. Well...we have all been there !...
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mikey4444 This chap made a valiant effort to defend his racist Party, but ultimately failed. The best thing the BBC ever did was to allow the odious Nick Griffin...
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Just read this in the Guardian this morning ! There will be an extended episode of the Archers on Boxing Day, where Mrs Snell will present her "Blithe Spirit" in the Village Hall. Never been an...
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I can honestly say that I have never had such a good and close haircut and shave in my 62 years ! I thought that it would be an old-style cut-throat razor, which you stropped on a leather strap....
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mikey4444 Sol Campbell appears to be a very wealthy man, so he can't expect much in the way of sympathy here....
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Is my PC going mad ? I am seeing avatars this morning but no names underneath ?
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All being well, I will be making my first trip to what are generally known as Turkish Barbers tomorrow morning. I have heard good reports of the quality of the haircuts and the shaves using cut-throat...
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mikey4444 Flipping heck ! If this true, I'm not sure if I will buy chicken from a supermarket again. I only buy free-range but I am unsure if even these are safe now....
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Danny...did you order that Lamy Fountain pen that you were enquiring about the other day ?
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I have asked this question on AB a few years ago but now can't find the answer, thus this is a repeat ! I am trying to trace a childrens book, published after the War, which I read in the late 50's....
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mikey4444 I predicted this when the Royal Mail was privatised a few months ago. So why was it hived off in the first place ? Not even Mrs Voldemort would touch it and...
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mikey4444 I wish I knew what he said. I have always thought of Mellor as a bit of pillock, although you have to admire his nerve for deeming to know London better...
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mikey4444 A couple of days ago, Lab and Con were neck and neck. This unpopularity of Ed doesn't seem to be doing the Labour Party much harm does it ?...
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mikey4444 ( is it just me that thinks that Mark Sedwill looks remarkably like Sir Humphrey ? ) He says he is sorry for the fiasco surrounding this Enquiry and that...
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mikey4444 Have I missed something here ? If the Council can be so certain that there are 132 kids at risk from sexual exploitation, why has it not moved...
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mikey4444 "The deputy prime minister told journalists that UKIP wanted to turn the clock back to the 1950s"....
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Last one 18a...Yet "top" to to THEM is "bottom" to US....B?T?...
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Last one. 23a...Miss Grey, a long time entertaining knight...A?N?S...
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mikey4444 This poor little lad...I have my fingers crossed today....

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