b****y royal mail i am still at home at the moment, leaving for work (late shift) at around noon the mailman has not bothered, yet again, to ring my doorbell, and has left one of those red cards to...
Well, in an effort to out-compete other supermarket chains, they seem to have blown something a lot closer to home out of the water... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-24157275 Do...
A neighbor.....and her neighbor stand by the front door and smoke many times a day. With the lovely weather we have been having our sitting room smells awful from their smoke so we keep closing the...
The question was :- Douglas Bader was a British fighter pilot in which war.The first person dodges the question and gives it to another. The answers are (a) World War One (b) World War Two (c) Korean...
I was asked by a theist what would be needed to cause me to: 1. Believe in God . 2. Believe in the bible. I said 1. A number of verifiable miracles, would make me think about it. 2. Nothing would make...
I've missed 2 full weeks (prior to this week) of the Archers and am listening to the omnibus now. Can anyone just fill me in on the Matt Lillian situation? Anything else critical happened?
I first came across Doc Brown on Ricky Gervais' "Derek" programme. He was very good there, but this is genius ... (warning - contains some swearwords)...
Did you find that you were turning into your mothers? If so, at what age did you notice this? A survey of 1,000 women, conducted by Dotty Bingo, revealed that just over half felt they did, and dated...
I know that this is not going to be a popular suggestion, indeed I will probably get shot down in flames...but does anyone else agree that the waste of money sending flowers for these could be better...
A little boy goes up to his father and asks: "Dad, what's the difference between hypothetical and reality?" The father replies: "Well son, I could give you the book definitions, but I feel it could be...
Why does my laptop screen freeze occasionally, when I log on to certain sites? Nothing moves on the screen and my cursor wont budge. I am having to switch laptop off, then on again, to get back to...
a typewriter ribbon (or two if possible) i have an electronic typewriter called a sharp fw-700 font writer, which has a fold out large lcd screen. they are no longer manufactured, so therefore the...