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Has anyone tried Rug Doctor carpet cleaner? Is it any good for cleaning a heaily soiled carpet or is there a better carpet washer I could use?
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Hi Ed In the interest of good housekeeping and in an attempt to protect us from identification, would you consider a process for clearing out our old posts? I notice the posts in the topics only go...
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I have got raging toothache. I realise other people have got problems hundreds of times worse than this but at present its no consolation. Only 2 hours until my next paracetamol.
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To the person who went to immense time & trouble to track me down & then wrote (anonymously of course) to my employer about my postings on AB - all I can say is if you have nothing better to...
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Hi, I've noticed a load of my friends have suddenly been using # on fb and twitter and I'm wondering what it means? Its usually before a random title e,g, #justsayin or #jetlagged or #athome Cheers x...
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On a forum that I use, I asked a question about an event that was being discussed. The thread starter is the promotor of the event and a moderator on the forum. He replied to my question with remarks...
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This week has been completely mental. There was the whole leaving hospital thing on Monday, which turned out to be a much bigger issue then that should be really. I slept pretty much all of Tuesday....
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We all at times say "I hate my legs" of "I hate my nose" or whatever part it may be, BUT, What part of you do you love? You men too you've got a magnificent chest? perhaps a...
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Why would someone fake a serious illness online? there seems to be a lot of sick people in AB, do you think all these illness are genuine, or are they faking it? If someone is suffering from...
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Noticed in remote areas like J O'groats , Lands End there are unnamed roads which just have at best a A number or nothing.What puzzles me is that these roads still have houses with residents - so how...
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... do you read regularly?
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http://www.telegraph....ed-off-Australia.html One has to admire the reason for his rowing marathon, but why naked one feels obliged to ask?...
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Morning everyone! Thanks for all your good wishes yesterday. The obviously worked as I'm not sitting on my sofa at home with a cup of tea. Yesterday ended up being a pretty horrible day and it's well...
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Well I was meant to leave hospital yesterday but the doc said I needed more IV anti biotics so I'm still here. Will you all keep all your bits crossed for me that when he looks at my wound he decides...
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My hospital bed. So it turned out my infection was pretty bad and I came in on Thursday to have an op yesterday. The buggers wont let me leave until tomorrow. I was lucky and got moved to my own side...
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Why do people wash salad stuffs before eating? ie running water over it. What good does that do? I never bother, I just eat it as it is, never made me ill.
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What should i do with it?
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To those of you who answered my question about my lump on my leg over the weekend, it seems I should have been a little more concerned than I was. It gradually got worse over the weekend and I woke up...
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Hi everyone I just found this website and read some posts and everyone seems nice and gives straight talking answers so I thought I'd ask for some advice. Sorry it's going to be a long one. My partner...
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how big is too big to wear a maxi dress? i'm a size 14 but i only ever see skinny girls in them

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