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Watching herons fishing on Spring Watch this evening and I wondered how they compensate for refraction to know the true position of their prey TIA Doc...
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I have a Sky+HD box, and it is connected to the my broadband connection. I have tried a manual update, but still can not seem to find the "catch up" channels. I have even got up close to the TV to...
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I have a bird feeding from my table feeder at the moment (from a suet slab)that looks like a thrush but the breast is less distinctively speckled than the normal thrush. I wonder if it could be a...
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Is it now time for parliament to declare that radicalization should be made illegal in the UK ? There are people here who are actively encouraging terrorist activities & recruiting to undermine the...
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Just been on site. Nothing exciting happening on the nest at the moment but according to the blog one of the eggs has "wobbled" a couple of times so fingers crossed for tomorrow which is when the...
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what is the difference between type H and type M for Olympus XD memory card
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The Manton Bay Ospreys should be hatching their first egg any time now. The new webcam has a zoom which they will use to get close up pictures of the hatching. Webcam here:...
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On webcam now
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Rutland has it's first hatching...
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My daughter had an ipad 4 for xmas...£400 worth. It stopped charging 3 months later and tescos replaced it. It's now done the same again. It will only charge when the unit is off and then it takes...
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Really enjoying the BBC News Channel coverage of the grilling of Google about their Corporate Tax Avoidance. Apparently it's not illegal. Realistically there is not a hope in hell of getting the back...
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Best word used to describe calcium carbonate : *Atom *Compound *Element *Metal *Mixture *Solvent Just one has to be chosen...
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Major Tom lives!
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Have just started to download photos from digital camera. All photos have gone into 2 albums. One called Last Import and the other All imported. How can I delete just one of these albums as they...
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Came home to find a spider sitting on the wall by living room window. Don't mind spiders so left it alone. Took a while for me before I thought that it wasn't a spider I'd seen before. Checked it out...
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Some lovely live web cam shots tonight....
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Now that red kites are starting to spread further into the west country will they have an impact on the buzzard population?
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Thank you so much for your comment on my sparrow hawk thread.There was a male and female working as a pair, (but I don't know which female)7.30am today as they were each on a different tree and dive...
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We have recently moved to a more rural location, I've always been fascinated by birds, their song, nesting habits, courtship etc. However I experienced a new nocturnal song, hard to describe really,...
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Its been resting on my lawn for 3days. Is there a nest nearby ? I've kept my dogs at bay so far but why is it here; the nearest water is 25y away. What type is it?

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