Thank you so much for your comment on my sparrow hawk thread.There was a male and female working as a pair, (but I don't know which female)7.30am today as they were each on a different tree and dive...
We have recently moved to a more rural location, I've always been fascinated by birds, their song, nesting habits, courtship etc. However I experienced a new nocturnal song, hard to describe really,...
Its been resting on my lawn for 3days. Is there a nest nearby ? I've kept my dogs at bay so far but why is it here; the nearest water is 25y away. What type is it?
Can anyone remember a film from - probably - the 80s. There was a scene where two rough type girls brought a couple of lads back to their place and the lads put on a tape which played Otis Redding...
1.On TV tonight I saw an intelligent bird feeding itself. 2. There was food floating on the top of water in a tall vessel of about 2 inches in diameter. 3. Nearby was a pile of small stones. 4. The...
At Rutland, the Manton Bay pair now have their 3rd egg in the nest and at Site B the pair produced their first egg on Sunday. Sad news from Loch Garten, they also had their first egg on Sunday, I...
My 19yr old full time student daughter has a part time job at Tesco working 17 hours a week for the last 6 months. Now it's the new tax year they have stopped her emergency tax. Can anyone explain why...
Saw my first Swallows of the year today at Rutland Water plus the Manton Bay Ospreys laid their second egg today. A pair of Goldeneyes topped off a very nice but chilly day.
So who? Bear this in mind, my fellow and fellowess golfers, ye flayers of the little white spheroid: "There is something magical about the Masters - the colours, the characters, the history. It's on...
can someone tell me if you save your stuff onto the time machine for eg music and then delete your music from mac can you then listen to your music from the time machine when you plug it into your mac...
Help needed please 2) sounds like a chilly performance (6,4) 9) a bird with a nasty cough? (7,4) 11) distorted feline sounds? (4) 12) all the colours of the rainbow merge on the neck? (11) 19)...
Rutland has its first Osprey egg of the year. Laid this evening at the Manton Bay nest of male 5R and his regular (unringed) partner. Webcam off at the moment but there are recorded movies in the news...
Can someone identify this bird please. Typically, I didn't have a camera with me. It was 27 October last year, after a day of strong wind, when this unusual bird appeared at my feeding station. It was...
I've just seen a bird that I've never seen before, in the tree outside my window. I'm no ornithologist and I'm not very au fait with bird species, only the ones that most people know about, but this...