does anyone know the name of the song that plays for a few seconds when ross is just finished talking to the disguised boy in the jeep who has **** the matrix wrote on it?
Hi folks I've been trying to get hold of a copy of the track played near the end of the above episode of Miami Vice. The track is 'The Edge Of Town' by the band 'The Truth' .... Does anyone know where...
Hi all, I have a Ragdoll kitten, Misty, who is absolutely adorable but she is a little minx. She has taken to scratching at the carpets outside all the doors in the house but I think that is to get in...
Hi all, I have been looking at a pair of jeans on e-bay but it says that they are an italian size 50 - the seller shows a picture of the jeans with the label saying just that. Does anyone know what an...
Hi all, I have two hall windows (one upstairs and one downstairs) which are odd sizes and I wanted roman blinds for them but would have to have them made which can be so expensive. Therefore I have...
I have a friend who has 2 sisters, the 3 of them are all in the late 30's, early 40's. Their father remarried when the oldest was about 20 and he and his new wife had 3 children who are now in their...
Hi guys, I don't know whether I have put this in the correct section but here goes - does anyone know how to clean sterling silver that has tarnished? Thanks all.
everything on my screen as gone large icons, windows , clock, menus toolbar everything its not to do with icon sizes or font sizes as ive tried all them and had no look can anyone help
I am just about to buy a new laptop at the moment i have a pc but the DVD drive is broken. I have loads of music on itunes that i will obviously want to keep when i switch over but as my disk drive is...
I have been looking for a jewellery stand to hang long necklaces etc on, but decided to just get some pegs after a long time looking! Recently though, i spotted just the thing i need! It was a tree...
Hi all, my husband has a mobile phone provided by work for his job which contains all his contacts (work and personal). He also has a mobile phone for personal use (he cannot text on the work phone)....
Hi all, I have just made an appointment for my female Rag Doll kitten to be neutered/spayed next week. The vet said that as she is a pedigree her fur might not grow back the same. Has anyone heard of...
Hi all The black cast iron thingies on my hob (I hope you know what I mean - you sit your pans on them) need a good clean. They are marked with grease etc and even though I wash them all the time,...
Yes, I need to know how to get false tan off the soles of my feet. I sprayed some on my legs and feet last Saturday whilst I was standing on a towel. The false tan obviously sprayed all over the towel...
Hi all, I've recently bought a gorgeous pair of black satin slingbacks which have a cream toe and they cost me a fortune. I wore them yesterday at a wedding and noticed this morning that the cream...