At work the other day and a crow landed on a wire and my work mate saluted. Why?? he also said that you have to turn around if theres more than one and itf theres 3 you get rich etc right up to 7 and...
One of my questions was edited by AB and im wondering how to become a AB editor as it seems im not alone in my Q&A's being edited. I would love to know what people write or if there is a X rated place...
I bought the Marantz SR5200 amp a while back and hooked it up to my CD and DVD played and all is fine. I now wish to connect my sub up but it only works when i take S-Direct off. I want to run it with...
I went and saw A on the 29th Nov 02 at Brixton and they had three support bands. I was wondering if anyone could let me know the 2nd?? - the 1st were Voodoo Glow Skull 2nd ? ? ? 3rd Goldfinger then A...
How do u get the box on your sytem menu (start>control panel> system) that offers support info. Its below where its reports ur pc ram. My mum got one built for her and it has contact details etc -...
I understand the film so my question is not that - sorry. It just i saw it again lastnight and i noticed again that when Brad Pitt lifts his swat helment it looks like his face was added afterwards -...
Lo Last christmas i got a txt msg from a mate of a christmas tree flashing - any idea how i can do it on my phone?? I looked at the command editor but i dont know how to work it.
Ive been talking with a mate about this for a long time - what makes a great song?? length, words or the tune - maybe the artist?? i dont know - not talking about chart postions or whos number one coz...
HI, not really a travel question but its abouit my car. I fancy fitting an induction kit on my car (sorry i know its sad but it make sa nice sound - tryied a mates) My question is will it cause my car...
HI, Does anyone know how i can record what i draw in flash 6 then play it back for instance i want to grab my mouse draw a pic and as i do the timeline is automatically filled / goes to the next...
Lo i re-installed windows and i installed my Scanner wrong. I need the twain 32 drivers / info so my PC can find my scanner. Anyone know where i can find these files in windows or download them from...
Hi i can think back to a time when there was a song with the lyrics - Hey Jimmy what do you see on TV?? and a kid would go - i see War, a Plane, Superman, Cheese etc just some random words about what...
Yo wondering how barcodes work? For instance CDs. how come if you buy a CD from HMV or Virgin the till says the artists name etc - does the thickness of the barcodes relate to letters / number or even...
Hi i want to purchade a model of Gizmo from the gremlins online but i cant find one anywhere (expect e-bay) anyone know a good site for film modles?? Ta
I heard that 24ct Gold Is illegal in the UK and your not suppose to have it. Is this true and if so why not?? or am i just being stupid??? (Please dont anwser the 2nd part of this question - i know...
Im going to the Leeds at the end of August im wondering what the weather will be like. The furthest north ive ever been is Leicester and that was ok-ish. will it be a case of sunnies and shorts or...