well well well another day another dollar to my name! busy busy busy today people organising my teams move over to the new building which is happening on friday - should be fun!!! How is everyone?
we have few pot plants at home, before i move in the house, my bf's parents have been looking after them, they were growing very good with nice green leafs. since i taken over, i did watering them...
i heard acohol can reduce the quantity and quality of sperm, is that true? if the man is still drinking lots, would increase very high risk for unhealthy baby?
Not your AB username (you chose that one) but the name your parents chose for you? I've always fancied being called 'Algernon' after my hero 'Algernon Tarquin Farquin Sinbib Dinbin Linbin F'tang...
alreet chaps! cant believe i volunteered for doing over time ina different department today.. its so dull, so boring, so mind numbing. A pizzd off 3ight8ball
Now that we are all equipped with (American-style) spell-checkers, are there still employment opportunities for trained proof-readers, please? If so, how do you find the clients when working from home...
what will you drink? i have to work till 8, then gonna go to twon to join my bf and his mates for drink in 1 hours time, wuhoo, hope they are not drunk already.
Morning all, just thought I would get in there first since I am up (still). Anyone got anything interesting planned for today? As for me the highlight will be when the piglet does a poo! So beat that!...
Does it get on your nerves that he thinks that it is ok to spend hour after hour on the stupid internet? What is the big attraction? Surely if he truly loved me like he says then I am more important...
hi, i have my WII for 2 months so far, i only played sport,mario and brain academy, i really like brain academy cause i always can beat my bf, wohoo! but we are getting bored of playing the same...
Good Morning I am off to Dublin next weekend and with the Euro being to low I wondered could anyone advise whether I am best to buy Euros before I go or withdraw when there from a cash machine? thanks
cant wait to get home and make loadsa more clones. Cant make one with yours giles your name is too long. Everyone else is dooable though. Julie have you learnt cook cook yet?
just spoke to my mum on phone, her dog's tail was hurt by accident few days ago, the vet shaved hair of her tail then put some medicine on it, also wrapped it. the dog was kept trying to pull the wrap...