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Is it really true that those on benefits get a dog allowance??
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I have recently finished my degree, and fortunately am able to pay off my student loan almost immediately. I have about ?5k in personal debt on credit cards/overdraft, which I want to pay asap and the...
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I really want to find a few vintage items to revive my wardrobe. I live in London and if I'm going to find it anywhere, it'll be here...but I haven't yet. Does anyone know of any nice shops that stock...
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Which Number comes Next in the following series: 3, 3, 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, - ?
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Right. I've lived here for 25 years, and owe nobody anything, never have. Recently I started getting letters addressed to Mr.Krishnakumar (not me, no relation, never heard of him) from Powergen etc....
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Who knows of a nice place to go that is hot(tish) and sunny (my partner likes the sun) but breezy so that it is not too hot for me (I dont like the sun)? We want to go on holiday together!
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I recently heard a really good mix of Kylie Minogue's 'I believe in you' combined with Gwen Steffani 'What you waiting for'' - any ideas where and how I can get hold of it?
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What is your favourite word, and why?
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Best thing about eating cornflakes is the milk at the bottom when you've finished. Anyone else see the marketing prospects here? Cornflake milk in cartons - or sugar puff milk - even better? Anyone...
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Are any other parents getting "cheesed off" with the amount of time that children are on school holidays. My eldest son attends secondary school and I was looking at his holiday...
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My daughter will be attending her school's leavers dinner and disco at the beginning of July and wants a special outfit to wear from the occasion.  She wil be sixteen and has a petite figure...
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Why do some white, British people feel the need to speak in a West Indian accent? Do they not realise how stupid it sounds? I am not being racist by asking this genuine question!
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I wonder how many sayings and / or Jokes become out of date due to changes in the world . A joke my dad used to tell ( often! ) was : Conductor : " Pass farther down the Bus! " Passenger " He's not my...
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My none too bright friend thinks they may have a criminal record but are not sure (don't ask!) is there any way he can find out if he has?  There are websites that offer the service but they look...
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From the pairs of options below pick the one choice which you favour from each pair. It doesn't matter what your reasons are for making your choice as long as you have picked one from all twenty...
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Does anybody know where I can buy some smart grey trousers, preferably hipster fitting.  I have been looking for ages and can't find any!  The problem is compounded by the fact that I'm a...
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Age old debate in our office could be answered. Is the phrase 'can't be asked' or can't be ars*d'? Does anyone know where it comes from?
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I would love to get some sweets made up with a personalised message to give to my boyfriend.  Can anyone tell me where i should go.  I found a couple of places on the net, but i dont really...
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I am looking for a home based job. I recently applied for one which involved updating a news website, but didn't get it. If anyone knows of any jobs like this please let me know.
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I have just applied false nails and although I am getting used to them, and they look great - how do people cope?! I am obviously typing (slowly) and have got used to some things but what about...

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