In addition to my husband's other ailments, he has now fallen and broken his elbow (not ideal when you're on crutches). They've not put it in plaster incase the bone doesn't set properly, so he's just...
I am starting it today, having a shake for breakfast, lunch and having a healthy tea. Has anybody tried it? I know you can have either 2 shakes and a healthy 600 calorie meal but what about the Slim...
That's what people probably think I have. Took our daughter to the circus yesterday and I just can not make/allow myself to clap along when told to do so. I probably always look like I'm miserable...
I'm talking about cleaning windows. Here in Wales, it seems frowned upon to pay for a window cleaner, most people round here clean their own. However, in England (where I'm from), it was always the...
My husband has been on crutches for 2 years and is unable to bear weight on his right leg. His left leg is therefore supporting his weight. Recently his left leg has been giving way, causing him to...
Husband's gran received a phone call on Sat from the docs asking her to make an urgent appt to get blood test results. She's been told she has anaemia and that her bone marrow is no longer producing...
My sister has took this pill one evening last week and spent the next day feeling awful, couldn't stop throwing up. Took one again last week and she's feeling so sick again today. She suffered with...
We've only got a smallish lawn out the front and an even smaller one at the back. We need to buy a lawn mower but there are so many to chose from that it's difficult. I want something that's going to...
I've been living in this town for 2 years now and I can honestly say I don't have any friends. I work part-time (work with some lovely girls) - they always invite me out if they're having a get...
Please could you tell me why the welsh pronounce ears as "years"? Is that how you personally say it? I hate it so much lol. My husband is welsh but makes a conscious effort to pronounce it...
I've got a bit of a cold at the mo and my voice keeps disappearing then going really high pitched etc. Anyway my husband keeps telling me I sound like Janine Butcher - which has led me to ask, what is...
Hi Sqad, I was wondering if you could give me some advice regarding my sister. When she was pregnant last year, she suffered with lots of kidney/water infections and even passed a stone once. She had...
My sister's best friend's sister (who my sister has socialised with in the past) has just had a baby. She saw my sister and her baby about a month ago and now she's just had her own baby . She has...
All the couples I know (who share the same starsign) seem to be really incompatible. I don't just mean a little bit of bickering, I mean they really clash and I can't understand why they're together....
My 3 year old had a temp last thurs night, through till early sun morn. Took her to out of hours on Sat and doc said, no infection, just a virus and that she'd be ok. Was fine Mon, Tues and Weds and...