But its not christmas and therefore i will feel really inhibited going to the till and buying a skirt. Should i feel like this ? is it ok for men to buy clothers for a woman if she is not there? im...
Where can I find information out about Roxanne McKee (Louise Summers) from Hollyoaks. I want to find out info such as age and home-town, etc? Ive tried typing it in different search sites but have...
I just got recently hired for a job, that Im beginning to really not like. At the interview, I wore nine earrings in my left ear, eight in my right, my nose is pierced, my eyebrow is pierced, and my...
Hi All, I hope someone can help me.... I've coloured my hair a sunny blonde for about the past 10 years. I always buy Lightest Natural Blonde & no matter what the make, I usually get good results....
I'm looking for a job, yeah. Well I have two lip piercings that i know most people dont like.. however others do. This is who i am, i've had them for years yet i cant seem to get a job anywhere.. I...
My 13 year old cat died a few days ago.I'm concerned that our other cat,her daughter aged 11,has sensed the loss.Can cats grieve in the way humans do? Any tips from animal lovers?
Did anyone else think the 2 women who turned down the offers for their Yoga Bugs company were stupid for turning down the offers? Thought the lad with the downloading program thing did well to get 2...
Herbal Essences shampoo makes my hair feel like straw - does anyone else have the same problem....? I put conditioner on it after shampooing cos i have to, or it would just be one matted lump!! I...
I'm a 17 year old girl, who already knows shes overweight. I'm 5'6".. I'm wanting to know what my ideal weight should be, and how i can lose the extra weight fast. As i have a holiday to look forward...
Hi I am trying to see if I can get hold of the opening credits of baywatch ..I am putting together a birthday video for my mum and have some footage on the beach and wanted to insert it into the...
http://www.imdb.com/gallery/granitz/1698/Event s/1698/KirkDougla_Ausse_668539_400.jpg?path=pg allery&path_key=Douglas,%20Kirk%20(I) I can not believe how old he looks and the photo is 4 years old. I...
Its my 18th birthday a week today! But i have no idea what to do regarding a party or get together type thing. Does anyone have any ideas that are a bit different, or just any ideas really. many...
I cannot unerstand how someone can voluntarily let a doctor perform surgery on him/her if it is not absolutely necessary. I mean all surgeries have risks, and doctors are humans who make mistakes. I...