Why have i had my period for a month??? I'm on the pill and have not come off it but it just wont stop. I'm getting big clots and its horrible. Only thing is, i have no pain, no bloating, no usual...
i was just about to post a question about manic depressive's but read a few posts that have already been posted. My question now is what exactly is lithium? one of the posts said it wasnt a drug but a...
...urgh, need advice about periods... i dont so much have a flow just huge big clots of blood, so dark they are almost black. Doctors not open just wondered if anyone knows what it could be..? I'm not...
every night outside at around 11pm there is the most horrific screaming noise. It sounds like a girl being murdered and is so loud. We have squirrels, badgers and foxes in the garden - could any of...
Does anyone ever feel guilty for whinging about stuff. Was thinking today that i whinge a lot about uni, relationships, money etc but fail to realise how lucky i am. Not everyone gets the chance to go...
i was flicking yesterday and caught the end of a feature on this program about a website that you put your photo on and then it tells you which celeb you most look like. Does anyone know the web...
what do squirrels eat?? cuz i usually out loads of nuts out for the ones in my garden but dont have any but theres one outside looking thin and seems to be looking for food...i dont have much in my...
I'm really embarassed to ask this but.. I'm finding its taking me a long time to find a job at the moment, I've just finished uni, would I be entitled to job seekers allowance/dole?(What is the...
right ive had enough, of everything. and everyone. i cant take anymore cr*p. So if i was to get on a plane in the next couple of days and go to spain or somewhere, how easy would it be to find work...
right ive had enough, of everything. and everyone. i cant take anymore cr*p. So if i was to get on a plane in the next couple of days and go to spain or somewhere, how easy would it be to find work...
Hi, i'm trying to answer the following question and am so stuck!! ive come to a dead end. If anyone has any ideas, opinions or know any good websites i would be grateful - any ideas welcome!! I'm...
I'm about to complete an English Literature Degree, but have always wanted and now more than ever want to get into social work - i dont know why i didnt do it in the first place! But would i have to...