This afternoon a family member kindly removed the old mould sealant from around my bath and applied a new silicon sealant. Could anyone tell me how long I should allow the sealant to dry before I use...
When I download music from, for example, winmx then 'open' it, it's being played through windows media player and not as before on realjukebox - the track does not even add itself...
Hi, recently when I have been attempting to run disk defragmenter or scan disk on my pc I have been having problems, in that it will not complete the task. A message often appears on one of...
One of my kids went swimming and left her wet swimming suit in a cupboard at home, where it lay for around two months unwashed. I finally discovered it today and chucked it in the washing machine....
my husband looks at other women, its only for a few seconds but its still looking. i have moved out of our bedroom and refuse to leave the house with him. should i take the kids and leave?
Can anyone help me with information I need on Bandura and Skinner and their theories in relation to working with young people. Any help greatfully received.
I have just begun an HNC course in Social care. And as part of our studies (Child Protection Module), we have to identify the rights of children in relation to the above named charter and also explore...
The bonnnet of my car is very dull compared to the rest of the car, and is hazy, with fine scratches. A friend of mine told me to buy T-cut(?) as it helps to remove such things. I went to a car parts...
Can anyone give me the full title of a song by the above named. It begins with 'Canto' and is followed by two other words which has slipped my mind. Anyone help?
My two children have head lice yet again and it's driving us all crazy. We often have to use Lyclear and other lotions, but they soon catch it again. Can anyone recommend a preventative shampoo and...
I exercise, i take iron supplements, I've had blood tests for diabetes/thyroid etc. and i eat well yet, I no longer have a social life as i cannot stay up past 9pm, i come in from work and I am...