If you started a business in which you earned $1 on the first day, $3 on the second day, $5 on the third day, $7 on the fourth day, & so on. How much would you have earned with this business after 50...
what did film camera crews use to pull a camera cable through an underground duct near buckingham palace to get a better shot of 1981 royal wedding
answer begins with f
There is a 50m long army platoon marching ahead. The last person in the platoon wants to give a letter to the first person leading the platoon. So while the platoon is marching he runs ahead,reaches...
Done a lot of googling, yet proved unsuccesful with these: 1. Which England inland village was transformed into a seaport for Dr Dolittle? 2. Which town, once capital of East Anglie, is now 90%...
Please does anyone recognise the logo from the following descriptions? 1. A capital letter T, elongated with a long top bar, inside an oval. 2. A cavalier figure wearing boots, cuffs on gloves and a...
Has anyone a cure for chilli burns on hands. I stupidly did not wear rubber gloves and when de-seeded my green chillies for my chilli con carne, my hand came into contact with the chilli. Any help...
I am useless with anything computers and my husband who would normally sort any problems out is working away at the moment. We have Broadband with Wanadoo and since last week its been on a complete go...
Is nicotine addictive, I have heard lots of different opinions on the subject but nothing really conclusive. I have been told that the repetative action of smoking is really down to the brain being...
6yr old granddaughter: 'Is cold water heavier than hot water?' Granddad: 'Er...er...' 6yr old 'If it is, why is it?' Granddad: 'Er...er...do you want to watch Barney?'