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anyone watching it!
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Is Jason Mraz any good? I have heard good reports but I haven't heard much of his stuff. The fact he supported James Blunt is putting me off him somewhat!
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Jesse mcCartney??? Good album on one track he sounds just like micheal jackson.
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how stupid was it to change the old hayley lawson with a new one who has completley different hair and features. and no one on the bay has commented on how different she looks.they cud ov got a blonde...
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BSM fan
Who or what is a Chagra What mountains name means The Five Sacred Treasures Of The Snow What is the unit of electro magnetic inductance
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PC is just going crazy now. I just found that if you want to buy the script for 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves', all the bits referring to dwarfs have been erased and changed to gnomes. There was...
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does anyone know the law on the erection of a temporary banner on the side of a business unit warning potential house buyers nearby that the units could be noisy?
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Can anyone think of a catchy name for a children's indoor and outdoor play centre based in a barn on farm?
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Does anyone know the title of the Paul Weller song that was used on Jimmy's Farm last week? I have bought his latest album to find its not on there.
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What made George shrink?
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Do they still put alot of rubbish in McDonalds food or is it safe to eat?
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Has anyone any idea where i can but Clavin Klein mens suit?
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Anyone got any opinions
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Can anyone recommend any good pubs that have bingo/pub quizzes in Playa de las Americas? Grandparents are going there in a week and arent too keen on the sun. Also any other relaxing/chilling out...
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Can anyone recommend any winter sun destinations for November (that are more exotic than The Canaries) that you DO NOT need vaccinations for?
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Ethical reasons aside. Does anyone dislike the taste of milk? I have never had too much milk, or get bored of milk, or met anyone who doesn't like it.
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I've just been made redundant, and am looking for work. I've also just had my lower lip pierced (great timing or what!!), and can't take the stud out yet. Would this stop any of you offering me a job...
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Following a spate of broken windows & similar criminal damage problems in our area, can anybody please advise me exactly what is permissible regarding the installation of CCTV cameras on the...
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Hello, I have NTL at home - I was wondering if the OLD NTL decoder boxes would still work... I want to wire up TV in the bedroom - Not bothered about the Didital channels, just good quality freeview...
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For what do people think Tony Blair will be remembered? Since 1997 we have had a succession of committees,quangos,judicial inquiries etc but where are the results?We've had spin and hype on all sorts...

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