help please 6a what yogin learns,all sections in equal quantities 5 AS??? 11a chalice hurt when it's dropped after disturbing parish festival ?9 ???RC???E 12a tender?not old mum! 4 N??? nana? 13a it's...
help please 1a back to bird in store for violent film or game 5-2-2 ?????/?M/?? last letter could be p so last 2 words 'em up? 9a the Slayer of the Bull on the motorway,nearly beat 7 ends in s...
4a two foolish people given the bird 9 ends in r 9a sreamer across one street-it's put up beside steps 9 starts b 10a break in mediterranean port 5 ends t 11a children's ignorance!what sort of...
help please 1d wanting pee,polar bear does like a pecan?! 8 ?R?O?E?L arboreal? 15a doctor seen in cooler spring 6 ?A?B?L gaMbOl? 19a stick around for a fool 3 M?? 12d flight with first team moves a...
20a Literary home over which a veil is drawn -R---S-E-D 23a Hard to get relative to usual spot -A---( Is it Daunt?) 21d Dip in ground unknown --N- (Is it sunk?) Last three thanks in advance
Am struggling with the cockney/eastenders theme of this. 14d, Rabbiting,like Mike Reid,perhaps,about Natalie's first modelling ( 10) ??(L)?????N? and 4dDen climbs under partner,having physical...
help please 5d supposed guardians of the peace sticking one in balls-humourless,lousy things 4,6 ???T/???I?? 19,15d what to call ministers of a certain political persuasion NOT involved in...
I don't THINK these have been asked before . . . "I must fly!" (Richards, leaving test before its end) (6). Have AS-A-E. ASTARE is the only thing I can find to fit, but I have no idea why. Initially...
help please 1d struggled,again losing millios-it's a racket! 10 ends in e 17a heard certain support 5 starts s 14a oil splashed in bed?calm down! 4,2 ????/I? 13d no sun acceptable inside recesses 5...
help please 10a profiting from a volume in a bad way 8 A?A???N? adapting?alarming? 23a soul with coolness which envelops the breast 6 ?O?I?E bodice? 24a respectable-looking cold,low-fatpiece of meat...
Need a kick start with this crossword 13d Space for movement (5,4) 5th letter W 5d An underwater swimmer (8) beginning with A 8d Old region of Western Iberia (9) beginning with L Apologies for...
Can anybody give me the answer, and explain how it is reached for this clue please: Heartless Italian under Modern American poet. Four letters S?T? Thankyou.
help please 1d prophet's afterthought overturned revels 6 ?P???S 2d i name ex a rat 8 ?N???M?R 3d bond reportedly is concerned with eastern country 4 ?H?? 27d corporation's taken up with what's dirty...