Please help me to get started
1a) Give an account of small bed in river(8)
1d) Trouble has risen in plant (6)
18d) Rose climbs over it displaying pearlies (8)
8d,5-9L.heading for a Hitchcock classic.n-r ---o-t-w-s-
4d,8L,cooperative guys fit to support adult.-m-n---e
5d,Perky's friend's topless like 24.-n-y
many thanks...
I have done some work for a slightly lower fee on the understanding that when they make more money from the project, I will be paid the rest. on the invoice i want to add the fee payable immediately...
I moved into my rented house in April 2011. NPower set up a Direct Debit for £59 per month for my Dual Fuel. They told me that this amount would be reviewed in a year. April 2012 came and went...
Please help me get started 6a) Mist can spread in hole, digging ore on surface. (8,6) 9a) Daily Mail boss nervously tried inputting disk (6) 16d) Independent church's best dessert (3,5) Thankyou...
please help me to get started 1d) Result of make-over of artist Norman's awful (14) 6a) Crude bludgeon hurt man last to leave scuffle. (5-3-6) 8d) Old mercy signs novel, novel about class (6-8) Many...