I got 3As 5Bs 2Cs and a pass in ict. The only things i'm happy with are maths, history and ict. Maths i've had 10 teachers, history i knda knew i weren't getting an A so weren't to disapointed with a...
Two twins that I shared some classes with got rediculous results. They got mainly the same grades a and a*s but one of them got 2 bs. I saw one of their papers, i think the bs were probably art and...
I get my results today . . . I reckon; A* in geography, possibly biology (although the coursework which is 25% is one mark below an A), possibly chemistry, A in; both englishes, physics and possibly...
i've got the last line of a song in my head," you're so beautiful..........to me "don't know where i've got it from,must have heard it somewhere,now just need to know what it's called,and...
If you take a gap year, doing something relevant to the uni course you wanted to go on but didn't make it on to, and also the job you want to get are you more likely to get onto the course the next...
Are any of you any good at plant stuff? I've tried to make my balcony into a little jungle, with loads of big planty things, along with my barbecue, etc ... ... but they all look a bit sorry for...
Hi Answerbankers, i little over 4 years ago, customs stopped me at the airport and took my passport number and all my duty free fags off me. Now before you non smokers start(lol) i was not bringing...
Do italian accents not vary very much? My nan said that when she went their for a holiday she spoke to an italian who spoke english with no accent at all. She was really suprised when he said that his...
Made me laugh...... Do you suspect someone of being a closet ginger? Perhaps you thought you saw some ginger roots, but aren't so sure. Maybe you've caught them tapping their feet to the raunchy sound...
Hi Out there...feeling a bit down. Today was my weekly weigh in and have again put on 1 lb. making it a total of 6 pounds in a couple of months. I have doing Rosemary Connely since last Sept and...