Scotland is part of great britain so I won't get charged extra for using my phone their to call home back in england? Plus how far off of the coast do you have to be before calls are charged at...
What the best way to clean crud from under your fingernails?
I decided to grow my nails butwhen i went rowing today I got all crud from the broads under them....
Dump the male flight attendants. No one wanted them in the first place. Replace all the female flight attendants with good-looking strippers! What the hell, they don't even serve food anymore, so...
I dreamt that I bought a plain white wedding dress, that was nicely fitted round the chest and waist, then bought; small, silk, delicate, pretty flowers (such as lillies) that were pale shades of pink...
This is a puzzle where you have to try and swap the male and female frogs to the opposite rocks. Took me a while to get it. The best I could do it in was 15 moves....
A few weeks ago I posted my view on BBC's programme 'Top Gear' and had some interesting responses. http://www.theanswerb...g/Question913115.html This evening I switched off the TV in disgust after...
Hi Naomi, just checking Sunday's TV listings. There is a programme on BBC4 - 8pm - about a group of Amish teenagers who come to the UK on a cultural exchange, It's entitled "Amish - the word's...
There's some drivel about wedding planning ona an American programme, the couple of which are brits, one english and one scottish. Why do british people sound different when on programmesor even films...
I'm trying to find something on google, which i'v done, on another computer but can't find it!!!!!!! If i'm looking for 'sea cadet corps leading cadet requirements' and its not turning up, what could...
What's the easiest way to make number lables which relate to a key clear as to what the lables are indicating, when only some of the lables have room for arrows? Plus a way that only uses black, white...
My 7 year old has his head on, he has just been fetched back from his grandparents because he climbed on top of the freezer in the garage. I made him sit on a bench in the garden so i can keep an eye...
Often you'll hear Britons say something like they will be going to Europe for the summer. If you don't define yourselves as part of Europe, which continent do you identify with??? Not trying to pick a...
lets play our own version. I'll start by stating 5 facts, and you have to say which is the lie, the first one to guess correctly takes their turn and so on. I can count to ten in Mandarin. I have a...