theres a pigeon wondering around the garden and it has been for about an hour, it doesn't seem to be able to fly as when i go near it, it just hobbles away, we cant take it to the vets as we don't...
Does anyone know if speying a bitch has the same effect that castration has on a male dog? In other words will it calm her down at all? I have a 2 year old absolutely hyper border terrier bitch that...
To all my AB friends, I am sad to say we had to make the very hard decision and have Bella put to sleep this morning, she was letting us know that she was tired, so we took her to the vets, she was...
Its the middle of the night and I cant sleep,and just had this thought.....I think nothing of cleaning up after my dog has pood, but could I do it for a human----no way !!!! Sorry if this offends any...
little bundle of fur should start to have a better time on planet earth
he may have one life less but at least it is a happy ending
My gaffer was telling me today about her son who saw a guy drive in to the car park, look round, and dump something over the wall. After they did one he investigated and saw that they'd dumped a...
I have just read about another poor defenceless animal being killed for fun..why oh why won't God strike them dead on the spot..I really mean that..get rid of the reprobates, I don't want to walk in...
Just got back from visiting the family and the neighbours told us that our lovely Cookie died at 1pm today. She was 21 years old (106 in cat years) and had a lovely life. Her back legs went this...
My Mother-in-Law laughs at me for washing soft fruits saying it's not necessary. Apart from general hygiene considerations, I would worry about sprays that may have been used as they were growing,...
Hi, I have recently found some kittens that appear to be abandoned by their mother, they look asif they're 2-3 weeks old, they have fur and their eyes are slightly open. Its very cold on the allotment...
I have just taken a kilner jar of wholemeal flour down from the kitchen cupboard (it's been there for about 3/4 months) and just as I was about to start weighin it out, I notice the surface was ALIVE...
I've just had an upsetting morning! I've been watching a nesting pair of blackbirds for weeks now - building the nest, the male guarding its territory etc- until this morning when I had to rescue a...
They say that the first litter is always small, about 3-4, but two doesn't seem to be normal. It has only been about a day, and some people have told me that iit is still possible for her to have...
I just put the bread in my toaster, it popped up looking pallid so I put it back for another go, but it worked properly this time, so I have black toast, the horrid smell, and a light pall of smoke in...
when i was 13, quite a few years ago ( lol) I had my tonsils out!
my question is -- why have we got tonsils anyway? What part do they play?
any ideas welcome, many thanks...
Please could someone recommend a good hand cream...not necessarily expensive or long as it works, for sore, cracked and/or rough skin? Ta Muchly.
Our 13 year old cat Tom just dropped dead this morning, no sign he was ill, he'd just eaten breakfast and that was it, he lay down and died. Shocked me it did, I was leaving for work and didn't know...