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Just been in asdas and was buying flowers to take to my parents grave later,byt the lady at the checkout commented as i was paying that I should be careful where I put them as the pollen is poinsonous...
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If someone has been diagnosed with glandular fever are they allowed into school if they feel up to it?
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hi there, this may border on insane, but i have found a large bee (possibly a queen bee) on my stairs, moving very slowly and not attempting to fly... its night time and wonder if any beekeepers out...
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Hi... Im getting worried... I've found three of the house spiders, I think they're called wolf spiders, the ones that run that race horses, upstairs this week. I've been averaging about 1 a week for...
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We all know we're suppose to eat plenty of fruit and veg, but what is your favourite fruit and your favourite vegetable?
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We have a beautiful Mainecoon tom cat he's 9 years old and is fit as a fiddle and doing everything he should be doing but he's lost half his weight he's now only 5.7 kg.The vet has done blood and...
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are all dogs allergic to garlic and onions or just mine?
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Can anyone tell me ,please, how I can make life better for my old cat who seems not to be enjoying life? She eats well, probably drinks more water than is normal. I think she may have a little...
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There was a huge spider in the bedroom last night and I am terrified of them. My husband tried to hit it but only managed to knock two of his legs off and the the spider dissapeared. I made him get...
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Does anyone know where I can purchase a bamboo steamer without going online.
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i hate all types of white pasta and white bread. eww. the only time i will eat pasta is if it is seafood pasta (i havent eaten it for 4 years though...since i was in the uk).
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Has anyone got any good tips on flavouring plain rice, I dont care what it is, spicy or mild, but would appreciate some good tips...thanks in advance!
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My cat has just caught another bird! I saw him out the window with it in his mouth and heard it :( This keeps happening, he is a big black tomcat about 2 1/2 years old and is obviously very good at...
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I had to have my 11 year old cat put to sleep today and I feel so bad. I know it was the right thing to do but I miss her so much. I'm not looking for any answers, but to any animal lovers, it has to...
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how do i stop my 5month old kitten from jumping on the kitchen work surfaces? my old cat never did it, well not that i ever knew of at least. thanks for any help
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Don't normally post in this section, but I thought you may like this news story... A rodent-eating snake and a hamster have developed an unusual bond at a zoo in the Japanese capital, Tokyo. Their...
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I just wondered, what are you actually meant to do if you are in the street and see someone having a fit? Recovery position, ABC...?
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Can I use shredded paper for the litter tray instead of shop bought clay litter.
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watchd this and felt uneasy. Kids are for the young. not pensionars.
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Is it true that when puppies eat grass it can be quite harmless and nothing to worry about, but if an older dog eats grass it is a sign of serious illness? Thanks, Sanang

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