not only have they managed to get mu name registered on the site, which is ridiculous unless they have used that woingdings thingy, they have copied and pasted a thread of mine that was...
hi. myself and my partner have been together now for 3 years or so.. at the start everything was going really good with his family and mine! my partner and i were only 16 when we started seeing...
... and if so, will it be worth the effort - or will you end up thinking you could have got to sleep half an hour earlier, or not missed a good half of Jonathan Ross?
if you told your wife that you earned 60k per year and they saw your bank statement and saw 3.4k go in every month and then accuse you of exaggerating to make yourself look better??
well I dont want to sound rude or offend anyone but if you kiss someones bottom and tey do it to you are you at risk of catching something? I mean of course wash and everything but is it still risky?
Just as it is possible to affirm a belief in God, so it is equally possible to deny the existence of God. Proofs for either position are amazingly difficult to convince those holding the opposite...
Hey people, Just out of curiosity I wondered what the average AB IQ was. If you want to participate, try this test. (No others allowed.) (Click on the first one...
How about a section for the older ab ers as i am sure they would find it more civilised if they communicated with people of their own age group. They would probably feel more comfortable within that...
Can anyone out there let me know if there have ever been any international footballers - not necessarily English - who were born on either the Isle of Man or the Isle of Wight. I contacted the F.A....
it was my daughters 1st birthday in feb and my paren ts didnt bother to send a card or call to wish a happy birthday or anything, i didnt make to much of an issue out of it because i thought that...