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is it legal to take out policy on someone else without their permission??? partner's mother refuses to take out policy even though we will pay for it,as we will not be able to afford funeral when time...
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I would like an apartment in Majorca so myself and my family and friends could visit it when they wished. With the current Euro-crisis I guess there is an upside and a downside! Can anyone who has...
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I was driving on main round round the bend at about 20 mph. 20 meters ahead I saw the Traffic light turn fom amber to green. So I kept going. At the lights I saw a pedetrian started to walk across and...
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On "The Wright Stuff" (Channel 5) this morning (26 June 2012), Alistair Campbell said that open sockets (i.e. with no plug in them) use electricity if they are switched on. Could this be...
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Francis Asis
I went into town and couldn't find anywhere to park so I parked in Halfords car park. When I got back I had received a ticket from them as their car park is for customers only. My qestion is - do I...
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It looks increasingly like Government Policy is being made on the hoof. The postponment of the 3p rise in fuel duty took many by surprise, including the Cabinet by the looks of it. // Treasury...
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In this era of paying for failure the bosses of Nat West must be in for a bumper payout. This is a disaster of epic proportions. Unite are busy blaming the offshore outsourcing, which in my direct...
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The recent RBS debacle show what can happen when banks go wrong. If there were a major default by Spain or perhaps even if Greece decided it couldn't/wouldn't pay there would be a few days or weeks of...
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Hi, I would be very grateful for any support and advice. I am a sole trader in vintage painted furniture. 4 months ago, I sold two small pieces to a buyer in another part of the country. Despite my...
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http://www.telegraph....ternet-hate-mail.html It is usually ill advised to stand up for what you believe in if it upsets the stamping ground of the left. Have this rather naive couple deserved the...
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Please can someone tell me the process a cheque goes through when paid in to a bank account - and why does it still take so long? TIA
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Ok at school we had (among others no doubt) Thomas Abecket Bodacea (bow-da-see-ah) Hercules Now we have: Thomas Becket Boudicca (boo-dick-ah) Heracles So what changed? where we misinformed at school?...
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jake-the-peg Wow! I think this just shows how far we've come! Bet this will blow a few blood vessels tho!...
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http://www.dailymail....ion-Song-Contest.html So at last, now we know the reason our lack of success at the Eurovision Song Contest, it's all down to the racial background of the singers. Does anyone...
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A colleague (male) recently got caught with another member of staff (female) by her manager in a side room during working hours. No-one else involved, no other previous "history". Does...
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I am confused! I am reading that retail profit margins are 4% or 5% for example! Does this mean, after deductions such as overheads and wages etc?? Many thanks for any help....
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Basically, a family friend is preparing to lend me a chunk of cash for a house deposit, which I am going to pay back over 5 years with some interest. The rest will be a hefty mortgage. To add to his...
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We bought our house on a new build estate three years ago, when we signed the mortgage we were informed we would have to pay a fee every year to a maintenance company to look after the street, anyway,...

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