On Sunday 23/12 Ethel posted a question titled:- Coronation Street stripper- Commando Sam on the TV topic,I can't believe this was the real Ethel has someone stolen her identity?Please go and have a...
What has happened to our lovely Lorraine Kelly's dress sense? Yesterday she wore a horrendous green smock and this mornings outfit looked like something the Bay City Rollers threw out years ago! Shall...
This warning is in the newspaper so I thought I would pass it on. Hundreds of cats are dying each year as their owners are treating them with dog flea treatments.Over the counter treatment Permethrin...
A friend has just told me the Connors in Corrie are about to be told Ryan isn't Michelle's biological son and his real father comes around to tell them that there was a mix up in the hospital with his...
I have just received some boxes to fill with goodies for our troops in Afghanistan for Christmas and they haven't put a list in, has any one else sent one, if so what did you put in ?
I'm visiting Stratford for several days from this Thursday apart from the usual tourist sites any suggestions on places to visit, gardens etc and good eateries please.
Claire Verity (she who must be obeyed) the Truby King expert in TV programme Bringing Up Baby was once nanny to Jerry Hall's new baby and managed to sneak time out of that strict routine of hers to...
In last nights episode Scarlett handed over a note to Jimmy from Kelly and couldn't remember a word Kelly had told her to say.When she finally remembered it ,it was eskimo what on earth was that...
I've just received an e-mail from Ed and it states Answerbank has some great new features you can now upload your favourite You tube clips, Isn't it time you came back? I have only been away for the...
Ed, thank you for the new Blog it's really nice to hear fom you and hope we have lots more soon.Please could you explain to us all why bigmamma has been banned for as long as she has and why she is...
One of the questions on Tuesday's Eggheads quiz show asked who played the character that inadvertently killed Victor and the answer was Hannah Gordon. Can anyone tell me what happened? I didn't even...
In The Mail today there is an article about two sisters who for the past ten years have kept their poor mother refrigerated on the premises of a funeral directors and once a week she is brought out to...
About an hour ago I posted a question and 4getmenot answered a few times,nothing offensive and now all their answers have gone but everyone elses are still there, what's all that about ? Is there some...
Hi Everyone just got back from visiting my new Grandson. After a week away from answerbank could someone give me an update on the latest gossip, who's been banned or anyone changed their name etc....