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Speak to that man not in bearskin. A.d.e.s. 
It looks like the answer is address, but why?
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Good day, help with the following would be much appreciated, thanks! 1a    Australian native's A$5, year's advance payment by quality (13, two words): ?????B??????R
    10a    Saw little in South... ...
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Just missing number 20 Rishi has often got himself into this during his leadership. 
I have seen suggestions of stew and soup and pickle but I think there is a better answer 
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Long ago at school we used to sing Saint Patrick's Breastplate and I would like to hear it again but all the versions I can find use the Charles Stanford melody. The one I remember had several... ...
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it's a jigsaw type crossword with clues in alphabetical order. Some clues yield an extra letter in the wordplay. Stuck on these last 4 which must start S/T/U/V/W/X/Y/Z Taxed adult departing island... ...
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Is there a word or a name that would make a six letter word -g-s-t or t-s-g-  ?
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Good morning, help with this batch for my edification…a difficult one! Many thanks in advance! 12 ( A ) New Caledonia abolishing national community of believers (8) : L??????? 14(A) Vital source of...
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The brand new 2020 3D Crossword Calendar is now available to order through the website: As usual, there are 12 beautifully presented 3D Crossword...
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Answers have something to do with the weather. 25) it may not always be clear but ‘go for it’ - the answer is in the clue. 29) the underclothes lose both direction and garments - possibly a flasher?...
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Here we are again asking for more help please 38. RERERE above THE underneath is CCCCCCCCCCC over THETHETHETHE 39. MS TYLER underlined with a speech bubble with( they've all got acne but not me!) in...
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Seriously struggling with these dingbats, any help grateful 35. ENG THAI IRE 37. THE+OR@I OFTHE WITCHCRAF 44. CAROLC 1-100F 45 HAU S Thanks in advance x...

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