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mr bukkake

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... of this story, do you think it was right or wrong? 834/70-year-old-mother-year-old-daughter-I-did -women-everywhere.html
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mr bukkake
you know sometimes i feel like reaching for the phone, ordering a hooker and eat spam from a can. I sing like an amputee though. Does that count? Oh my dear you look so pretty in in the cloudy vision...
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Welll sorry i disappeared last night but i was havin early night from cb as ui got a lot planned. Seems i misssed the cabaret . Might catch it again tonight , will get my popcorn in and pick a front...
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... sat on my head during the night? Ow, sh1t. (reaches for the ibuprofen) My fab friends are through in the kitchen making a big breakfast for us all. How cool is that !!! Mmm, smelling great (the...
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mr bukkake
is this really what my familly name means in england? I cant believe it. im going back to japan Bukkake
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You cried through happiness?
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me ,I'm just going to do my brekky, which will be 4 bacon rashers, two fried eggs, tomato sausage, muhrooms, and fried bread, and Heinz weight watcher beanz, and black pudding ,
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just spoke to my mum on phone, her dog's tail was hurt by accident few days ago, the vet shaved hair of her tail then put some medicine on it, also wrapped it. the dog was kept trying to pull the wrap...
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Todays word is JUXTAPOSE. What does it mean to you? In your own words.
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how does a question become banned?
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what does this mean. I just found a school friend who apparently has a new business on line and her profile says this and it also says she is doing her a levels! She already did them. Maybe wants to...
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... How do you rate them?
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A few weeks ago, this DROP DEAD GORGEOUS ITALIAN MAN his late 30's came to put a new floor in one of the offices at work. We got on tremendously. I even bought him a BLT one of the days to which he...
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I FINK THERES AN ECHO IN HERE Right jason bourne wakes up one day on a boat surrounded by foreigners. lands in a strange country .doesnt know who he is or where hes from. well i am that man i landed...
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ok here goes... feel free to put your comments here about mr bean im sure he doesnt mind :) wheres his teddy? -- b nice though
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China Doll
Afternoon All, My throat is absolutely killing me and is making me miserable. I'm supposed to be going out this evening to a friends 'I'm leaving to go to Auzzie Land' forever parties' so I really...
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There is a chair on the end, with a bib and a ladle, Im about to spoonfeed you rap, make it bitesize I know choking is a habit.
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has anyone tried chinese dumplings before? will you serve them with rice?
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China Doll
Culinary delight or the work of the devil? Cheers China
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Doc Spock
I was prompted this morning to google "bukkake" I think someone has this as a username. Do not let your kids google this word. What compels some people to choose pornographic usernames.

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