Hi B&S abers, thought i'd try you guys with this one. OK here is the situation..... Say you had a company car package for your job (driving all over the UK) would you think it's fair to be asked to...
Lets compile our own list...... So to get us started..... You know you're getting old when you start raving about the virtues of Viakal limescale cleaner ,and you're being deadly serious. You ask your...
What 5 things or people would you put in in room 101? My 5 would be.. 1. Cilla Black 2. GMTV 3. Country and Western Music 4. Bullies 5. Those annoying loan/claim adverts on TV.
and our parents have never met despite living about a 10 minute walk apart. One of my pals who has been dating his current girlfriend for just under a year had to go out for a formal meal with both...
What really annoys you. Is your chairman a tight '''''''', or something off the pitch/on it not right (no new ground). Anything at all. Meh, i support Portsmouth F.C. Always have done always will do....
What is a girl to do? I found ?6 down the back of the sofa so I decided to buy a few scratchcards. I bought 3 won 14 quid, bought 7 won ?58 quid and it continues. Quite chuffed as I now am ?146 better...
I'm off out on my date in London tonight. I'm pretty much at ease with the whole thing (and a little bit excited!), but I just need your advice on one little detail. If a guy asks a woman out, can she...
If someone bought 'half a gram' of cocaine would that suggest it was only for their own use or that they intended to share/sell some on? At that quantity would the police consider the person was...
If you non-smokers don't like the smoke in the pubs then you should either go outside or stay at home. Why ruin it for the one's who do enjoy it. I think the ban is just selfish.
if you could change your username to one that reflects your personality but would make you totally unrecognisable to fellow abers, what would u use? I would choose: takesnoprisoners.