10a - To scorch with invective (6) ???T?E 16a - Like trees cut to ground level (8) C?P?I?E? 2d - Up-to-date in terms of what is going on (2,7) A???U?A?R 18d - A fishing villiage on the north Cornwall...
Any help with these would be much appreciated. Projectile leaves right mark first. 6 Letters. - r - - - r Make comment about symbol. 6 Letters. r - - - r - Exploit fellow delivery person. 7 Letters -...
11a who was president of confederate states at american civil war? I believe the answer to be jefferson davis, but cannot find a golfing davis cup,so am I on the wrong track? the other answers are...
Have just seen my name as a runner up in The Express Skeleton crossword. A ?25 prize. Am overjoyed as I have been doing this for well over 20 years with no luck.
AB Editor Just when you need page 3 of Most Recently Answered it is the only page that is continually timing out. Very frustrating. Is this just a strange coincidence !!?
Surely there must be someone else who is having a problem with Paul- or are we going to have to put it away until Monday Sept 29th? Help- we don't want to win a prize- just want to get some sleep!
Some of you know i have a narrowboat on the canal and spend most weekends on it ( bridgewater canal } Well last night a friend of ours fell in (unbeknown to anyone ) and we found him in the canal this...
i am compiling a quiz for elderly people and would like to have some "lists" eg name the planets, 7 dwarfs etc. has anyone got any good suggestions please, thank you