My friend and I have been invited to A new Years Eve party, but although I normally prefer a party, i think we are going to be the only singletons there. Now we could go and be the only people without...
Whats the best way of preventing cats messing in my garden. I've tried sprays and cut up lemons but nothings worked. Heard tiger poo was good but not managed to get any! Any help would be much...
Hi, I don't think this has already been asked; a Christmas carol or Christmassy song, an anagram of "CHILLS AND JOLLY SOOT" I've racked my brains for days, now it's time to call in the experts! Thanks...
In early Jan I have an interview for a part time job. The salary is advertised as 'between ?15K and ?19K.' I have the right qualifications & experience but am wondering how (if I am lucky enough to...
My son is 12 and I have residency/custody whatever you call it. I have remarried and my son adores his Stepfather - we live in a lovely market town in Oxfordshire where he can safely wander about on...
Hi there, Well, much later than planned I tried my first ever pickled egg yesterday. Oh my god but they are awful! I felt like I was going to throw up,I am so sorry to those who love them,but I shall...
Hi there my son (the one with the hot feet) as sandy brown/blonde hair. when he was a toddler, he had very white hair which gradually went darker to how it is now. However, tonight, while he was...
Anyone tried it yet?? I've printed one off and am going tonight. The TV and radio (plus ITN's website) say they are honouring the vouchers, just wondered if anyone out there has used them yet?
How would real travelling folk, those of no fixed abode whatsoever, deal with things like registering their vehicles and driving licences, bank accounts etc. or be registered with a doctor or receive...