Rather than asking whether they need a new leader http://newsforums.bbc.co.uk/nol/thread.jspa?threadID=592&&edition=1&ttl=20051214153156 should they not be asking if they have any...
I think once Blair goes, the reds under the bed will emerge and contrive to put a lefty in charge and Brown will miss out, then they'll impose as much socialism on us as they can before Cameron kicks...
Why do local authorities mostly advertise their "jobs" in the Guardian? Are they saying that they only want to recruit Guardian readers? Are they saying that in order to be a 5 a day consultant you...
is it possible to JAUNT ie. to dissolve your molecular structure , and re-appear somewhere else ? i know the american indians ( the real americans ) were able to shape-shift . have i been watching too...
Just seen the news. Pubs that sell food: no smoking; pubs that don't/private clubs: up to them and even that will take years. I just think they've missed an opportunity to follow suit with Ireland...