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Where do you got to be tested out for food allergies? How much does it cost?
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What can I do with malt extract powder? Can you add it to hot milk? What else should be added, or is it enough on its own to make a nice bedtime drink?
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What is there to do in Buxton town centre?
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Are there any charity shops in Manchester that accept and sell furniture? I have heard that Barnardos in Edgeley do - are there any others?
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I am currently writing a study on Aeronautical Engineering as a career choice. If you work in this industry, maybe as a Chartered or Incorporated Engineer or as a Engineering Technician please can you...
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Used up a last roll of film on my old camera at the weekend. So used to getting photos developed digitally off the web that I don't know which is the best place to go now to get a film developed! I...
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I am making a sugar free fruit cake for a surprise party this week. If I substituted soaking fruit overnight in tea, with soaking fruit overnight in apple juice would this work as an alternative...
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I know the figure for the number of journeys (3 million a day) but does anyone know what this converts to for people?
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Can anyone guide me to an online resource that has any quotes from famous holy men? I'm thinking along the lines of people from Ghandi through to prophets and pilgrims, a wide range. I'm looking for a...
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Thinking ahead because of the rain reminding me that winter won't be far away. I've been to christmas markets in germay before, but which one would you say was the best to go to? also shouldi branch...
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I am looking to create some publicity around an educational event I am helping to run. Where can I find out a list of names and numbers for local media organisations in my area to contact?
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Has anyone done this course? What can you go on to do with the qualification? Do you have to have teaching experience to do this course?
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Which brand of compatible cartridge should I buy for my Canon i250? Are there any brands more or less prone to clogging? Where to buy?
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How many can you name? It's for a project - how many have there actually been? I'll start the ball rolling with a few obvious ones I have thought of: Ready Steady Cook Hell's Kitchen The F Word...
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How would you define this phrase? Any knowledge of the origins would be useful too!
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Can you still claim housing benefit if you rent your house from a family member such as a parent?
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Would be god to be able to comment ont he current poll, why you voted a certain way etc.
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I'm going to Bristol for the Organic Food Festival at the start of September, staying for a few nights to make a nice weekend away out of it, can anyone recommend the best sights to see and things to...
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I have heard that this branch is to close or has already closed due to poor sales, is this ture (before i go trekking off!)?
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Has anyone heard of or tried using magnets to help with period pain? I have heard that a magnet on the front of your abdomen can help, and that Avon used to sell a product along these line? Anyone...

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