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I had a really really awful eve and now im very stressed,upset and don't know what to do with myself.
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For those of you who were very sweet to me yesterday I just wanted to let you know that my sister gave birth to her twins late last night. 2 girls, Elizabeth 5lb and Charlotte 5 lb 8 oz. Elizabeth is...
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If someone really 'p*sses you off' do you confront them or secretely seethe?
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whats the best quote you have ever heard?
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IF you could be anywhere in the world with anyone - where would it be and why?
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i havent been on the site long but have noticed quite a few regulars and i was just wondering when ppl read posts do they ever wince and think god the regulars are ever gonna give you some straight...
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I am planning to move to Reading (UK). Can anybody tell me - where are the 'nicer' bits of Reading and which are the ones to avoid? Thanks.
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Im looking for suggestions please for an unusual wedding aniversary gift for my wife. thanks
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I am in a right pickle. I was sent on a training course through work, stayed at a lovely hotel and met a gorgeous guy who was also staying in the hotel at the same time. We got chatting in the bar (I...
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right ok i am a reasonable fit and very slim male of 23 years old. I dont by any means eat junk food all the time and live at home so get good home cooked meals from mum! But i do tend to comfort eat...
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hi everyone I am so happy today as last night our daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who is our first grandchild
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Hi all, ive got a bit of a dilemna occuring. Ive been with my girlfriend for 7 months and love her to bits....but im not sure if she is the one??? There's a woman who i work with who ive liked for the...
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as some of you know my 8yr old daughter is being taunted/bullied by a 38 yr old woman, the final straw came this morning when my daughters school phoned and said she was in tears because this woman...
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My cousin who's the same age as me got married a couple of years ago, and has just announced that she is pregnant, and although I'm happy for her I feel a bit sad and a tad envious, as I'm still...
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down at the the local woman's institute bring and buy sale she was selling fruit scones and our eyes met over the Tupperware boxes, i took her to my local bingo club and we had pie and chips on the...
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Does anyone else think that having possessions stolen is a form of bullying. My son whose 11 recently had a school shoe taken while he was doing PE. The school are treating it as if it's been mislaid...
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should my 2-1/2 yr old (will be 3 yrs in 3 months) still be drinking bolied water. OR can I start giving him filtered water instead?
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i think i need to end my friendship with my "bestfriend".she is a selfish control freak with a princess complex. i became depressed in the fall and began to slip away from her and everyone else in my...
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I'm being bothered by someone at work who is constantly looking over my shoulder, asking me to justify what I'm doing or pointing out minor mistakes/omissions I have made. I have spoken to my manager...
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Does anyone know at what age it is legal to leave a teenager at home alone during the evening/night? Gwen

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