Under Justice Jill Karosky is currently hearing Josh Kaul V Joel Umanski. It is proposed that abortion be outlawed unless the mothers life is at risk. Justice Karosky asked if an abortion would be... ...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx2ny8zndpxo FGS please can someone sit all these politicians down and tell them that we cannot make any difference to world emmissions no matter what we do. Now... ...
Buy a cremation funeral plan on the basis of the quality of the sausage rolls, probably burnt, the decision taken while wallowing in some gruesome shallow American-style 60s bath or having to... ...
Along comes something like this. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cj4vw1l8xvdo Small wonder Armani-clad Western fly-by-night politicians struggle to deal with the convolutions of it. ...
Walking back from lunch some eejit came up behind me on one of those illegal electric scooter things shouting abuse. I stayed where I was be barged past I pushed him into the frog, then threw his... ...
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/18/what-david-lammy-really-thinks-of-donald-trump/ Surely the US cannot work with a foriegn sec that holds the president in such contempt. ...
I wonder if he'll row back from his claims of electorial fraud? We've got a man with no personality running this country and a man with too much personality about to run America. Strange... ...
The Countryfile tv programme this evening was devoted to Children In Need. Will the BBC now allow other equally deserving charities an hour of airtime on their publicly funded nationwide... ...
On the news there was some american talking head going on about the election and of course the usual LGBTABCB&QXTCMFIICI+.....etc came up and the guy said "Queer and trans" - I was horrified I... ...
Absolutly bang on budget getting every aspect of it right in every possible way and very well thought out. Hospitals, schools and carers, have been crying out for some proper action for 14 years.... ...
.... from £2 to £3, Keir Starmer has announced. Not a lot you might think but it's £10 plus per week extra for workers going to and from their jobs, not to mention the cost to those living in... ...
Here is an official explanation of why we adopted the reason behind putting the clocks back in October : Why do we change the clocks? We change the clocks to get the most out of the daylight. The... ...
It appears that there will not be any increase in employees income tax. What will continue is the tax threshold to remain frozen. The latter being put in place by Sunak.