Can anyone shed any light -
22a. rocket and bananas - convenience food in India
26a. they include speech and complex varied comments
having a shocker today!...
10d sent in the wrong direction (6) - I - L- - 14d equal to the task (4) - B - E 76d clyde - - - River crossing (3) A - C 27a become rotten (5) A- - - E 37a earlier instance (9) P - E - E - E -T many...
Hi All. Raining and cold up here in the north west, anyway stuck on three today. 3d living for other people a - - - u - s - a - 8a clinging on fiercely - - n - c - - - s 6d covered with smuts s - - -...
5acr In retreat, Sting takes quiet walks (6) 26acr Claim everything, say, at end of case (6) 5d Try out marriage? It lasts no more than 5 days (4,5) 14d Goal of old bishop I've followed about in black...
1 Cur me examinus queritis tuis? - In plain English why do you deafen me with your croaking? 2 'They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old' he murmured. 3 Slowly the night shadow passed from...
14d Crude flint tool of the early Stone Ag, once thought to have been made by humans but now known to have been formed by natural processes. (6) (e?l??h)
8 down scots word meaning to work messily . to splash about or a mess . s?a?s?e? 27 down shoe i confused turns out to be scots heave or lift up . h?i?e . is it hoise
6d. Working on clever hunch, ou sent in meal ticket (8,7) L?N?C?H?O/????H?R 25a. Contract at beginning of bridge, not end (2-5) N?/T???? I think the 1st half of 6d. is Luncheon, I just can't get the...
How many of the following list of acronyms and abbreviations can you solve without googling? 1] ADHD 2] ANZAC 3]ASLEF 4]AWACS 5]AWOL 6]BAFTA 7] CAFOD 8]COHSE 9]DINKY 10]FOREST 11]INTERPOL 12]MIRAS...
Bit of a sod today.... as usual all help greatly appreciated 12a US Novel cast light on two chaps tackling the french (6,5) ??????/W???? (W comes from elbow) 14a Wearing warm coat, mad lunatic lost it...